German Cockroaches (Blattella Germanica)
12-15mm in length
Brown in colour with 2 dark stripes on thorax
Female produces 4-8 ootheca (egg sack)
35-40 eggs in one ootheca
Deposits ootheca shortly before hatching
1 month for eggs to hatch in ootheca
Likes the heat and areas with high humidity
Oriental Cockroaches (Blatta Orientalis)
25-30mm in length
Dark brown to black in colour
Female produces 5-10 oothica
16 eggs inside a ootheca
Deposits ootheca within 24 hours
2 months for eggs to hatch inside ootheca
found in drains, outdoors on rubbish tips and inside buildings.
Brown Banded Cockroaches (Supella Longipalpa)
10-15mm in length
Yellow-brown in colour
Female produces 1-18 ootheca
16 eggs inside per ootheca
Deposits ootheca after 24 hours and are always cemented down
1-2 months for eggs to hatch in ootheca
Likes heated buildings and are very wide dispursal
American Cockroaches (Periplaneta Americana)
28-44mm in length
Shiny red-brown
Female produces 10-15 ootheca
6-28 eggs inside per ootheca
Deposits ootheca after several days
1-2 months for eggs to hatch in ootheca
Found inside buildings, drains, basements, pipe ducts and risers
Diseases carried by cockroaches
Salmonella (food poisoning)
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Entamoeba Histolytica (Amoebic Dysentry)
Escherichia Coli (Gastroenteritis)
Ancylostoma (hookworm)
Taenia Saginata (Tapeworm)
What we can do for you
Whether it's your home or business we will use the perfect treatment to tackle your cockroach infestation in a safe and professional manner. We use our High-Tech monitors to detect any cockroach activity, which will allow us to locate nesting areas so the treatment can be carried out more effectively.