Wasps & Bees
Common Wasps (Vespula Vulgaris)
Black & yellow in colour
Elbowed antennae
Able to sting multiple times
Queens emerge from hibernation in spring and start to build a nest
Life cycle from egg-adult takes 16-35 days
Could have 1000's of wasps per nest
In winter the queens leave the nest and hibernate in protective areas waiting for spring to come to start over again. All workers die.
Old wasp nests are never re-used.
Bumble Bees (Bumbus)
Larger than other Bees
Black & yellow in colour, tail may be white on some but not on all species
Can nest in lofts, cavity walls, holes in the ground and compost heaps.
Not aggressive but can sting multiple times if feels threatened
Red Mason Bees (Osmia Bicornis)
Orange and dark hairs
Two horns on face below antenna
Not aggressive
It is a solitary bee
Nests in walls, timber and old crumbled buildings
Honey Bees (Apis Mellifera
Similar colour and size to a wasp
Has hair and a wasp doesn't
Makes honey and beeswax
They swarm
Colony size can be greater than 20,000
Can nest in trees, lofts, chimneys and wall cavities
Not aggressive but can sting only once if threatened. Bee will die afterwards
What we can do for you
We are aware wasps can be a pain in the summer so here at Ultimate Pest Force we will treat the nest quickly and in a safe manner. So put your feet up, enjoy the summer and leave it to the experts.